So your Pet is coming to see us for an Ultrasound! 

Here's a few important things we need from you:

Please make sure your pet is fasted 12 hours prior to this procedure. No food should be given within 12 hours of their morning drop off time. Water is ok. This is very important! We cannot get the images we need if the stomach is not empty! 

If your pet takes Enalapril, Benazapril, or is a diabetic on insulin, please call us to discuss in detail how we will manage giving these medications.  All other medications should be given as usual. 

What to expect the day of the procedure: 

One of our staff members will be checking you in at the time of your appointment. They will go over the estimate we have sent home with you and get signatures for approval. We will also collect a contact phone number in case of emergency. 

Your pet will stay with us for the day.  An afternoon discharge time will be scheduled when you drop off your pet. 

We will take half of the high end of the estimate as a down payment at the time of drop off.  We will then collect any remaining balance at the time of discharge. 

For ultrasounds, patients are sedated to help them be more comfortable, hold still, and be less fearful. This is a reversible sedation that will be reversed prior to discharge. However some patients can still be sleepy for about 12-24 hours. Do not be surprised if your pet wants to take a nap when they get home. If they are very sleepy the nurse at discharge may have instructions on when to give them food and water. Please also make sure to monitor them and don’t allow running, jumping, stairs, etc when they get home on the day of the procedure due to risks of falling.

In order to get our images correctly the hair on the abdomen must be shaved.

Our ultrasound images are submitted to a board certified radiologist for evaluation. These will take 5-7 business days for the report to be made and returned to us. The doctor that has ordered the ultrasound will contact you, typically by phone, once we have this report to go over the results and discuss further recommendations.